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the studio

The TinRoof studio originated from a chicken coop I talked my dad & grandpa into help ing me tear down for the wood, some old tin and church service day. A ton of hands willingly spent hours constructing a place in my yard to make photos that I found such peace in. It was a place in the woods created with love and gave me not only a place to create, but. place to be close to God. A place to go when it rained and sit & listen to the rain dance on the tin roof. A lot has changed since then & that space is no longer mine, but the name remains & has evolved to include all new spaces of growth the Lord has brought me through,  connecting all the things under one roof. Photography, mindfulness, connections, authenticity, creativity, stillness & continued growth...

hey there, i'm jes

I am a daughter of the King,

photographer &  

board certified health & wellness coach. 

 I love black coffee. birkenstocks. open windows. beach. mountains. forests. subaru. camping. fitness. healthy eating. art. mindfulness. connecting.  conversations. stars. being still. going deep. growth. living uncomfortable. linen pants. baggy jeans. handmade. fire. growing food. walks in the woods, yoga, my super hip boyfriend. hygge, frankincense & myrrh, collecting books. thrifting. cooking real food.  making photos. handwritten letters.  our crazy boxer  & my daughters bitchass cat.


also, I talk in run-on sentences that sometimes never end. 

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